Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Human Behaviour

Human behavior is the collection of activities performed by human beings and influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion, and/or coercion. (courtesy: Wikepedia). We generally tend to take the behavioral patterns of an individual to be the direct result of the harmonized functioning of the brain and the nervous system. But, that concept only looks at the exhibition of the physical behavior. One simple example would be how the body reacts to a very hot object. The feeling of extreme temperature and the pain it would cause due to direct contact has already been embedded in our brain due to first-hand experience of the same or due to the knowledge we have acquired from our society or texts. This would immediately make us wary each time we see a hot object and we will not touch it, at least not with bare hands. But, let’s take another scenario where your dress has caught fire accidentally due to some reason X or Y. If it is a small fire just catching up, we will try to put it off by putting our hands over it and blowing at it. In all probability, we will end up doing both actions. So, even when our brain has been encoded with the knowledge that fire is hot and will burn our body, we will still perform the involuntary action of putting it off with our hands. Here, the mind or what we literally call heart, takes over. The function of the heart or the mind becomes all the more dominant, if the victim is someone close to you.
So, lets analyze the situation better. The brain basically performs the analytical operations for a process and gives a logical solution which transcends into a normal behavioral pattern. The brain relies on the senses mostly, for performing this action. The mind on the other hand relies more on the emotional side of things and logic takes a back seat. It is a good balance between the emotional and mental state of the individual along with the sound logic and perfect analyzing power that contributes to a socially acceptable behavioral pattern. One good example is that of a kid in a public place. When you take a toddler to a cinema hall, where everyone is quiet and still, it is highly unlikely that the kid would follow the behavioral pattern if he is disturbed. At a young age, his brain has not been decoded with the social norms of silence in a place like the cinema hall and the baby is more concerned about his personal issue than the socially accepted behavioral pattern. This is what I would prefer to call raw response. Education actually takes this raw mindset, fine polishes it with rules and other norms and the metamorphosis into a social individual slowly takes place. It is highly unlikely that an adult will cry out aloud, no matter how hungry he is, inside a cinema hall.
To put it precisely, the individual gradually evolves a socially acceptable behavior pattern with age, as a result of education and by observation of his environment. For the sake of discussion, we could consider the case of a mentally challenged person. The brain takes the back seat for them and the mind rules over their actions. In reality, they are very much like small kids. A small kid would drop a glass to see it break and enjoy the sound and the sight of the fragments scattering in different directions. For him, he is experiencing the sensations and actually making a careful observation of the result of the process. This is precisely what a mentally challenged person does. However, just like the kid, I feel that they are just not able to communicate the reason for their actions. Our society labels them as mad individuals, while we sometimes even enjoy a similar behavior pattern from the kid.

Quite contrary to the popular literary coinage, “Where the heart (mind) rules over the brain”, I feel that it should be a proper blend of both, to project a behavioral pattern that would be socially acceptable and personally beneficial.

Journey of Life

Life is a journey and not a destination…..
Walking along, faces cross you….
You remember some, forget some
Some get etched in your soul

Roads wind in strange patterns before you
Making you think before choosing
Lives get messed up in the final choice
In the end, success comes to clarity of thought

The map for you has been drawn out
The sails have been hoisted
The seas maybe rough, but you are brave
To weather the storm and make the voyage

The land of opportunity awaits you
Waiting for you to lay down the anchor
Ahoy! Captain! All aboard for the trip
The journey has just started……

Be Counted

Stand up and be counted, forget the past
Seize the day, now, as it is not gonna last
It is time to pick up the pace, the race is fast
Pack your bags, buckle up, for the final blast

Nobody would be concerned about your defeats
Nor would they care for your present feats
Go on and someone will fill the empty seats
It is time now, to follow the heart beats

Failures will not be forgotten, old triumphs aid,
With time, the anger, the worry, will fade,
The wide open road has been laid,
For you, to reach out, the horizon has been made

Buckle up my friend, it is not yet late,
Dont curse your fate, Forget the hate,
Standing and staring on, at the big old gate,
Push it open and walk on, do not wait


Oh Agasthya! You fill my entire view;
In all respect and devotion, I bow to you,
The swirling cold lusty breeze
Adds on to the dance of the trees.

Mist covering your majestic peak,
An eternal joy, it helps me seek.
Green carpet spread out on land,
Sky spinning up a heavenly strand.

Dancing and quarrelling moves the clouds,
An exotic pleasure, in my heart it moulds.
Comes morning and sun with its ray of light,
But, still you stand with all your might.

Clouds, the warriors, protect the port,
Refusing sunrays, entry into the fort.
Breeze, the maid, massages you,
Bringing mist and covering you from view.

Trees all around you, happily grow,
Your importance, they sure do know.
Birds awakened by the morning light,
Chirping and chattering starts it’s flight.

Animals set out on their daily prowls,
And the forest is filled with occasional growls.
The river gurgles and flows on and on,
With the advent of the sensuous dawn.

How melodious is the bird’s call,
It is enjoyable for one and all.
Come night and the vibrant moon,
Lighting up the place very soon.

Birds have gone on a sleep very full,
The forest singing them a melodious lull.
Life forms are asleep, whatever it takes,
In my mind, happiness sure it makes.

Your peak is sparkling with moonlight,
It sure adds on to the exotic sight.
Darkness and mysticism bring fear,
But, some love can also be found here.

Looking at your peak in the night,
I suddenly realized the eternal right.
Nothing ever has been so beautiful,
Nothing ever gives happiness so full.

I made a walk to your greeny summit,
With love and calmness, like a hermit.
Reaching the site, I was spellbound,
Was this heaven in all universe around?

Suddenly, my vision was gone,
I found mist, thick and dull, spreading on.
Bringing with it, a light rain,
Relieving me of all the pain.

People say, “I came, I saw, I conquered”,
I feel, “I came, I saw, I surrendered”.
But, sad o sad, what happens today?
People forgetting nature day by day.

Trees are being cut down,
Forests are being burnt down.
Rivers ringing with extensive pollution,
Leaving us with no practical solution.

Water in rivers, so crystal clear,
The flowing sound, a pleasure to hear.
Lying in water, itself a pleasure,
Amount of which is difficult to measure.

Surprising; with your peak so tall,
Human beings are made to feel so small.
Life forms view you with utmost devotion,
But, we view you as an object of exploitation.

It is indeed very sad,
That we have become so mad.
Isn’t it nothing but pure insanity?
Destroying something so full of divinity.

Oh Agasthya! Here I make a vow,
Your greatness, I will let others know.
Your role as a living being,
I realize as a natural human being.

When I start your climb down,
Into the hear of the maddening town.
A town full of sorrows and troubles,
You give me will to break them like bubbles.

Oh Agasthya! You fill my entire view,
In all respect and devotion, I bow to you!!!